Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Roller Derby!

My crazy sister decided she wanted to join our local roller derby team. So, we decided to all go check out a bout and see what she was getting into to. It looked like so much fun, I think we're all signed up now ;) Apparently, there's a huge following around here because the place was packed! We had a great time...those girls are tough... and of course ended the night with a serious record setting Rock Band concert!

See I was there too :)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Michelle and Andrew

What a "Perfect Pear"! This couple had such a sweet wedding, from the amazing gown to cute little pear place cards. Michelle thought of everything and her and Andrew really worked hard to bring it all together. Of course it all payed off and their wedding turned out absolutely beautiful! We were honored to capture this wonderful celebration. To enjoy the show larger, please click HERE

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

We're Going All Waldorf!

Ani's wonderful teacher gave us a copy of a great book at our visit yesterday..."You Are Your Child's First Teacher" by Rahima Baldwin Dancy. I really love how Waldorf education values the stage of a child's life when their imagination is over flowing. They acknowledge that make believe and fantasy play is not only beneficial but necessary in a child's development. I read the chapter about how to make your child's room welcoming to this type of play...get rid of toys that think for your child or direct them (play should be with no goal or direction...just imagination and tools), create play areas that are inviting (don't stuff the toys in cubbies), give them dolls that don't have defined features so they can create their own in their mind's eye, etc. We already had her room pretty close but we went through and boxed up a bunch of her babies that she doesn't play with. Got rid of a bunch of "junk" know the plastic, rubbery things that just seem to collect. Made a bunch of beds and blankets for her babies...we used odd baskets that we just had lying around and little pieces of material I had in a sewing box.

But, the best part was we made her a playhouse. I wanted her to have a little private area where she could do whatever she could play house, stage for a play, etc. I rummaged in our garage and found her old changing table...took the shelves off, ran an old window panel through a front rod and draped one over the top and WA's not Martha but it's a playhouse that was free, fun to make and even more fun to play in :) Trust me, I'm not a crafty girl nor do I have a lot stuff lying around but I had enough to put this together so if I can do it, so can you...a great way to move a baby item into a kid item!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Visit Day!

My daughter, Ani, got to go visit her preschool today before she starts it later this week! We both absolutely adore this place. Ani felt comfortable as soon as she got there and took off to play. She got to rock the baby (her favorite part), grind wheat, pump the water and a bunch more fun stuff. Her symbol (it's a Waldorf thing) is the butterfly. It's such a sweet little place where kids get to play and make believe and just be kids. We are all so excited for her to spend her mornings here!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Funnest Game Ever!

Amoung the many other brilliant things I learned at the McWorkshop, I learned that Rock Band is definitely the greatest game ever!! I'm notoriously anti video game and my husband is a notorious gamer...the cause of many many battles. But, Corey started this guy up and after 5 min. on the drum, I was logged into Amazon buying my own...unbelievable! It hadn't been in our house more than a few hours when I scheduled our first tournie. Even the most vocal hater..."that game is so stupid...I can't believe you're playing it" was a convert after 2 minutes strumming to Mississippi Queen. When I wasn't being a Diva (apparently, I wouldn't share the mic :), I got to experiment hand held shooting in a very very dark all around!